Prayer Items

The long-drawn Covid-19 pandemic has put added pressure on many including those serving in full-time pastoral ministry in China. Besides the challenge of looking into the spiritual needs of their flock in these unprecedented times, some pastors and preachers also face pressing concerns such as financial needs of their own family and their personal emotional and mental well being.

Pray for the Chinese pastors and preachers to persevere in these challenging times, looking to Jesus and finding rest in the founder and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2), and may they experience God’s faithfulness in providing for their families, receive extra grace and strength to continue ministering to His flock amid the epidemic in China.


Let us commit the Christians in China to God in prayer, asking our Heavenly Father to guide them in His truth. Pray that as they read and study God’s Word, they will grow in the fear of the Lord, trusting Him wholeheartedly in every aspect of their lives.