The Leadership of United Bible Societies and CCPA/ BCCCC Holds a Video Conference


On October 12, 2022, a video conference was held between the United Bible Societies (UBS) and Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association/ Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church in China (CCPA/ BCCCC). Bishop Shen Bin, President of BCCCC and Bishop Guo Jincai, Vice-President of BCCCC  met with Mike Perreau, Director General of UBS, Kua Wee Seng, Advisor to UBS China Partnership (UBS CP), and Daniel Loh and Bernard Low, the two new Co-Directors of the UBS CP.

During the meeting, both sides recapped their cooperation and friendship over the years and expressed their desire to continue to have dialogues and exchanges. At the end of the conference call, the leaders of the CCPA/ BCCCC expressed their gratitude to Mike Perreau for his hard work and contributions over the years. It was a heart warming time of reconnection.

Praise God that UBS was able to meet with the national leaders of the Churches in China through these two virtual meetings, thereby strengthening our bond and deepening our relationship with them to advance the Bible cause in China.  Please continue to pray for these relationships to flourish and for travel restrictions to be eased soon so that both sides could have mutual visits once again.

Report: UBS CP Communication Team